My name is J.W. Ocker. And this is my website. OTIS. It's a chronicle of my visits to the unusual and an author site for my books. You can also party with me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Patreon. Reach out to me at or to my agent here.
Behold! The cover of my my next kid's horror novel. What happens when a fifty-story black skull full of ghosts appears on the edge of your town? Stuff happens, man. Stuff. You’ve never seen spooks like these. It comes out August of this year. Preorder now!
Two decades after starting this site, I'm still searching out the weirdest sites and artifacts that I can point a pair of headlights at. These days, my adventures mostly get chronicled in my weekly OTIS Club newsletter. It details what I'm visiting, what I'm writing about, and other behind-the-curtain stuff. You can read it (and get other perks) via Patreon for mere dollars. I'm super grateful for your support.